Catalog n° INTOX006CD

Stay Tuned
Catalog n° INTOX006CD, Album
Release date: March 15, 2000
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Track listing:
- Twelve Key number
- Output
- OK!
- Want it
- One small step
- X Master
- Please move out
- The Fish Eagle
- Swinging Place
- Safe and Sound
- I wanna get out
- X-Master extewnded remix
- 4'17"
- 3'48"
- 3'48"
- 4'06"
- 4'11"
- 4'41"
- 4'11"
- 2'00"
- 3'57"
- 3'45"
- 5'03"
- 10'00"
Order CD direct from us
Order - Price Euro 12.50
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Electrobolt are : Jacques Roubaty, Vincent Yerly
Performed by Jacques Roubaty and Vincent Yerly
Vocals on track 11 by Laurent Bronchi
All songs by Jacques Roubaty and Vincent Yerly
Lyrics on track 11 by Laurent Bronchi
Recorded and mixed at ELECTROBOLT Recording Studios - CH
Mastering by Jacques Roubaty - Studio Taurus - Genève
Artwork by Isabelle Yerly
ALEX CARTER, djaimin, Dubberman, Electrobolt, escal, FRANZ TREICHLER, intoxygene, Io'n, Ion, L20 Concept, Love Motel, MA-LAK, Patrick Jammes, Peeping Tom, peepingtom, The Young Gods, THIERRY ZABOITZEFF, Virtuart, Y Front, Zaboitzeff and Crew, [ma-lak]