Catalog n° INTOX011CD

The young gods
Catalog n° INTOX011CD, Album
Release date : May 15, 2001
End of exploitation by the label on dec. 30, 2006
but check it out on applemusic
Track listing:
- Nous de la Lune
- Jusqu'au Bout
- A Ciel Ouvert
- Jimmy
- Fais la Mouette
- Percussionne
- Feu
- Did you miss me
- Si tu Gardes
- The Irrtum Boys
- Envoyé
- Soul Idiot
- C.S.C.L.D.
- 4'33"
- 2'35"
- 1'46"
- 2'41"
- 4'45"
- 5'28"
- 3'04"
- 3'22"
- 5'55"
- 2'38"
- 1'53"
- 4'22"
- 5'09"
Performed by Franck Bagnoud, Ceasare Pizzi, Franz Treichler.
Recorded at Artag Studio.
Produced by Roli Mosimann.
Mastering by Howie Weinberg - Masterdisc - NYC 1995.
All music by Franz Treichler and Ceasare Pizzi,
except "Did you miss me" (TYG, Glitter, Leander).
ALEX CARTER, djaimin, Dubberman, Electrobolt, escal, FRANZ TREICHLER, intoxygene, Io'n, Ion, L20 Concept, Love Motel, MA-LAK, Patrick Jammes, Peeping Tom, peepingtom, The Young Gods, THIERRY ZABOITZEFF, Virtuart, Y Front, Zaboitzeff and Crew, [ma-lak]