Catalog n° INTOX020MX

Keep the majik
Catalog n° INTOX020MX, Album
Release date: September 2003
Track listing:
- Keep the majik (Original long Dream Mix)
- Keep the majik (Progressive Mix)
- Keep the majik (TH Club Mix)
- 11'32"
- 8'00"
- 7'15"
Performed and produced by: Djaimin at RELIEF STUDIO (CH)
Guests Performers: C. SCHOENMANN (Vocal)
Writers: D. Mancini, C. Schoenmann, D. Torche
Published by: INTOXYGENE (SACEM)
Copyright: (p) 2003 INTOXYGENE
Angel and the little subsonic present their latest EP : "A sang à l'heure" some confined vibes !
ALEX CARTER, djaimin, Dubberman, Electrobolt, escal, FRANZ TREICHLER, intoxygene, Io'n, Ion, L20 Concept, Love Motel, MA-LAK, Patrick Jammes, Peeping Tom, peepingtom, The Young Gods, THIERRY ZABOITZEFF, Virtuart, Y Front, Zaboitzeff and Crew, [ma-lak]